
Choosing the Best Wholesale T-shirts and Hoodies

Ladies and gentlemen, are you tired of scouring the internet for the perfect plain t-shirts and hoodies for your brand? Look no further, because I am here to guide you through the treacherous waters of wholesale clothing.

Quality! Quality! Quality! 

First and foremost, let’s talk about quality. I know, I know, you’ve heard it all before. “Quality is key!” “You get what you pay for!” Blah, blah, blah. But hear me out. When it comes to wholesale clothing, you want to make sure you’re getting the bang for your buck. 

It’s important to consider not only the material of the clothing but also the stitching and finishing. Look for t-shirts and hoodies that are made of durable and long-lasting materials, and that have a good stitching and finishing. 

You can also check the reviews of the products or the feedback of the previous customers to know more about the quality of the brand, as they might have a great insight on how the items hold up after several washes or how comfortable it is to wear.

You don’t want your customers to be disappointed with thin, flimsy t-shirts that shrink in the wash. Trust me, that’s a brand reputation nightmare. So, make sure you’re doing your research on the different brands and materials before you make a purchase.

rack of clothes in a store

Have Great Variety

When it comes to variety, it’s important to consider all aspects of the items you’re looking at. Not only should you be looking at different sizes, colors, and styles, but also different materials, cuts, and designs. Different fabrics such as cotton, polyester, or a blend of both will give you a different level of comfort and durability. Consider as well, different cuts such as regular, slim-fit, or oversized to cater to different body types and preferences. 

Don’t forget to think about different seasons and trends. You want to make sure you’re offering a variety of clothing items that are suitable for different seasons and that are in line with current fashion trends.

So variety is essential when it comes to choosing items for your brand. Not only does it ensure that you’re catering to a diverse group of customers, but it also gives your brand a unique identity. Make sure you’re choosing a wholesale provider that offers a wide selection of sizes, colors, styles, materials, cuts, designs, and seasons to appeal to your target audience.

Don’t Be Cheap!

It’s important to note that price doesn’t always mean sacrificing quality. There are plenty of wholesale providers that offer high-quality clothing mockups at reasonable prices. It’s all about doing your research and comparing prices from different brands. 

Keep in mind that you should also consider the quantity of the purchase, as many wholesalers offer discounts for bulk orders. Additionally, don’t forget to factor in the cost of shipping and handling when comparing prices.

Get Samples

And last but not least, don’t be afraid to ask for samples. I know, I know, it’s a hassle. But trust me, it’s worth it. You want to make sure the t-shirts and hoodies you’re getting are up to your standards before you make a big purchase. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to check out the quality and variety of a brand before committing to a bulk order.

black t-shirt hung up on wall

Use A Mockup

Sometimes getting your hands on samples to make a decision can be tough. The next best thing would be trying and testing out a bunch of t-shirt and hoodie mockups. Using a mockup generator is a great way to test out different brands and how your design will look on a bunch of different items. Saving you money and headaches down the road. 

So, there you have it. Quality, variety, price, different brands, samples and mockups. Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to finding the perfect plain t-shirts and hoodies for your brand. And remember, always trust your gut and don’t be afraid to ask for samples. Happy mockup hunting!